
oh snap!


Back in May 2009, the 18th was the first day of my last period. 12 days later, I ovulated. Same day, we did the 'doo'. 12 days later, I got a positive pregnancy test.


Fast forward to today...well, August 2010. The first day of my last period was the 22nd. 12 days later, we did the 'doo'. Today is 6 days post 'doo'.

Baby? Maybe...

I just have the WORST patience ever! I wanna go get a blood test and just skip the stick pee-age. Do you think they'd be able to tell me yay or nay?


  1. Doesn't 1st Response make the test that can tell if you're pregnant like five days before your missed period? So, if you're six days over, I would just go and buy a 1st Response test and see what it says.

    And don't forget you could be late because of stress. But whether it's yay or nay, I hope you get the answer you want.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Why'd you delete your comment?! Anyway..I'm not 6 days past due. I still have over a week until AF is due. It's been6 days since we had sex and (according to last time) I'm 6 days away from a potential positive. I've tried the ones that detect early and they didn't with Austin. I kept getting negatives even on the day AF was due. Hmmm

  4. If you've taken 3 tests and gotten a positive, you are pregnant. I can't tell from this post if that is a picture from last time or new pictures, though.

    Are you trying to get pregnant?

  5. We are trying to have one but didn't want to get pregnant in August, bad sign compatibility, anyway, I'm a week and a half late, 2 negative tests as of 3 days ago. We will see, I didn't test positive with Babe until 7 weeks so I'm very tempted just to go get the blood test done too lol

    good luck!

  6. We are trying to have one but didn't want to get pregnant in August, bad sign compatibility, anyway, I'm a week and a half late, 2 negative tests as of 3 days ago. We will see, I didn't test positive with Babe until 7 weeks so I'm very tempted just to go get the blood test done too lol

    good luck!

  7. Oh how exciting!!! I've had to wait at least a week past my missed period to even get a positive test. With every baby (including miscarriages) except my daughter! She was actually a positive test the DAY my period skipped.

    Right now I'm 10 days past. I'd say I was preggo except I know I'm not. Hubby has been out to sea since May. lmao.
    I've been pretty irregular since after her birth and I'm going NUTS.

  8. My computer posted my comment twice. So, I deleted the second one since it said the same thing as the first. A lot of women get negative pregnancy tests results. So, I'd say wait it out and if AF doesn't show go ahead with the blood test. Knowing will give you peace of mind.

  9. I say take the test. It can't hurt. If it comes up negative, just keep testing till you're sure.


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