
I've decided that...

i want this. for my birfday.

[8 days]

so can someone nudge my husband and make sure he orders it now so i can have it by the end of the month? eh?


  1. That would be cool! Then you could read my blog on your kindle because my blog is Kindle Friendly! ;)

    Heather from Mommy Only Has Two Hands!

  2. P.S. Found your blog on Bloggy Moms in the button directory. :) Looking forward to reading more of your blog.

    Heather from Mommy Only Has Two Hands!

  3. How do you make your blog Kindle friendly? I want mine to be!

  4. I want one too! Or an ipad. But those things are super spendy! And I am broke. =(

  5. yea i'm getting a nice refund from school so i can swing the $150ish to buy it. otherwise...it probably wouldn't happen. lol yaaaah. an ipad would be awesome but id worry about breaking it.


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