
R-I-C-E repeat.

After what seemed like forever, my bugsy boo finally dozed off and stayed that way! Charlie went to the ER yesterday for a *ahem* boy problem and is off exercise for ten days, so I was going to get insane by myself. We'd only done half of the Pure Cardio tape last time so I wanted to finish it. I started with a stretching warm up.

Then I started the tape from the beginning, starting with the warm-up

And then I skipped to wear I'd left off in the tape. One move required me to get on the floor to do push ups. I get down on the floor and feel a tight pulling sensation in my knee..

the result.

I'm pretty sure I aggravated and/or strained my right quad tendon. We did R-I-C-E right after [esp since I fell to the floor like an injured hippo] and then I tried walking on it for a bit then went to bed. Today, I have a lingering soreness but am able to move around with a slight limp. It's not a major injury or anything, but with my knee problems it worries me a bit. In any case, I'm taking it easy today and making sure I make up for the lite/no exercise with healthy eating choices.

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