
PCS? New Duty Station? Moving...hmmm?!

It's no surprise that Charlie HATES it here in WA. He hates the cold weather, the rain [which isn't even that BAD!], he hates being away from his family, and he absolutely LOATHES Madigan, the hospital he works at. He is literally counting down the years and months until he can put in for a transfer and have a good chance at NOT getting orders for a field unit OR he gets out of the Army...whichever he decides to do. [Looking at the economy today and figuring it won't get much better within the next 4 years....I'm opting that he reenlists...but who knows!]

Anyway, his friend Ryan stopped by tonight to see Austin and to just chat. Ryan just got married and his wife is stationed down at Ft Hood. I guess their department is at 160% strength so they're opting to not to bring Ryan's wife up here. He thinks they're going to transfer him down to Ft Hood, but he'd get a field unit since they're trying not to put married couples at the hospital. Well, they were talking and Ryan asked Charlie if he'd be willing to trade with him [well, his wife Harlee] so she could come up here. That would mean Charlie would get her position at the hospital at Fort Hood and she'd take his place up here at Madigan. Charlie said he'd definitely think about it.

I know he really wants to get out of here. He is constantly coming home unhappy with how things operate at Madigan, especially people getting shots at positions they shouldn't even have offered to them for the simple fact that they're not living up to their soldier potential/requirements. Down at Ft Hood, Charlie could always be up for any modality changes and such simply because he has his registry, maxed out on his PT tests, and went to WLC. But that's another story for another time...

So what would this mean for us? Well, depending on when Ryan got those orders and when they were for...we might be able to all go down as a family. But it's more likely that we'd have to be separated for some time since I need to finish my degree. Unfortunately, I've maxed out my leave - of - absence - without - penalty opportunities. I have to finish this year or I start losing my credits. And they don't offer online courses and the credits aren't transferrable. So Charlie would go on ahead and Austin and I would catch up with him later.

Hmm...just thinking ahead at the possible future. It'd totally suck being apart...but I know we can do it. It'd also be weird living somewhere else. I've only remembered living in WA...

I'm down for an adventure....

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