
If You Only Knew...

HONESTLY. If the general public had any clue about how ridiculous my husband and I really are....

some of the crazy, wacked out stuff we do when no one is around...

...how much laughing we do over the dumbest things...

............all the wrastling that goes on...

how many times we hump each other just for fun.......

you probably wouldn't be our friends. 


i ♥ you, babe.


  1. hahahah your husband always looks BAKED!

    just sayin :P <3

  2. lol it's his eyes. they're super squinty and small and he just tends to close them rather than open them. he always gets "random drug testing" and people always assume he's really tired. lol. my favorite is when someone will say, "wake up!" and he's like "i am awake." lol


Tell me how you REALLY feel. C'mon..just TELLLLLL me. I love your comments.


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